You are a Delaware State Trooper on a roadblock. Since it is New Year’s Eve, you know from prior exp
Question: You are a Delaware State Trooper on a roadblock. Since it is New Year’s Eve, you know from prior experience that approximately 5% of the drivers on the road have blood alcohol content over the legal limit of 0.08%. Your portable breathalyzer gives a PASS / FAIL reading. From prior experience and manufacturer’s data, you know that the breathalyzer has a “hit rate” of 90% and a “false positive rate” of 20%. That means that if the breathalyzer says FAIL, there is a 90% chance of it being correct if the subject is legally DUI and a 20% chance of a FAIL reading even if the subject is not legally intoxicated. You stop a driver at random and test him. He passes, so you let him go. What is the probability that the driver was legally DUI?
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