Assigning Lobbyists A company wishes to assign four lobbyists to four US Senators in hopes of persu

Question: Assigning Lobbyists

A company wishes to assign four lobbyists to four US Senators in hopes of persuading them to support legislation favorable to the company. The expected payoff in additional profits is shown in the following table.

Lobbyist a. Ruth b. Aaron c. Bonds d. Clemens
1. Spurrier 10 14 6 6
2. Bowden 12 6 4 6
3. Coker 14 6 10 2
4. Myers 18 18 18 16

a. Present the linear program for this problem (including all constraints).

b. Use your favorite software to find the optimal assignment and payoff.

Price: $2.99
See Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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