Transportation Problem A company has three warehouses and four retail outlets. The table below show

Question: Transportation Problem

A company has three warehouses and four retail outlets. The table below shows the cost per unit to ship.

Retail Outlets

Warehouse 1 2 3 4 Supply
1 8 12 8 11 30
2 5 7 6 8 60
3 3 10 9 10 20
Demand 25 30 25 40

a. Find a starting solution using the Least Cost Method (use table below). State your initial solution and the total shipping cost.

b. Will all retail stores receive their full order? Why/why not?

c. Will there be any remaining inventory in any of the warehouses? Why/why not?

d. Use your favorite software to find the optimum solution. How does your solution differ from (d).

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