The Krampf Lines Railway Company specializes in coal handling. On Friday, April 13, Krampf had empty

Question: The Krampf Lines Railway Company specializes in coal handling. On Friday, April 13, Krampf had empty cars at the following towns in the quantities indicated:

Morgantown – 35

Youngstown – 60

Pittsburg – 25

By Monday, April 16, the following towns will need coal cars as follows:

Coal Valley – 30

Coaltown – 45

Coal Junction – 25

Coalsburg – 20

Using a railway city-to-city distance chart, the dispatcher constructs a mileage table for the preceding towns. The result is shown in the table.

From \To Coal Valley Coaltown Coal Junction Coalsburg
Morgantown 50 30 60 70
Youngstown 20 80 10 90
Pittsburgh 100 40 80 30

Minimizing total miles over which cars are moved to new locations, compute the best shipment of coal cars. Use the northwest corner rule and the MODI method.

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