Submit your work in Excel and use the solver to solve each part. For part d, write your answer in Wo
Question: Submit your work in Excel and use the solver to solve each part. For part d, write your answer in Word.
Suppose that Bill Tasto of the Wyndor Glass Co. now has found a way to provide a little additional production time in Plant 2 to the new products.
a. Use the graphical method to find the new optimal solution and the resulting total profit if one additional hour per week is provided. Use the Excel Solver to do this.
b. Repeat part a if two additional hours per week are provided instead. Use the Excel Solver to do this.
c. Repeat part a if three additional hours per week are provided instead. Use the Excel Solver to do this.
d. Use these results to determine how much each additional hour per week would be worth in terms of increasing the total profit from the two new products.
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