Jerry Casey wants to remodel his apartment. He listed the following activity times inform

Question: Problem 30

Jerry Casey wants to remodel his apartment. He listed the following activity times information for this project. Time is in days.

Activity Description Optimistic Most probable Pessimistic
A Find interior designer 2 3 4
B Develop design 3 4 6
C Establish budget 3 4 5
D Discard unwanted furniture 1 2 3
E Remove floors 3 5 7
F Work on bathrooms 8 10 13
G Painting 3 4 5
H Put new floors 5 6 7
I Handle last-minute details 2 2.5 3

a. Compute the expected activity completion times and the variance for each activity.

b. An analyst determined that the critical path consists of activities B-D-F. Compute the expected completion tiMeand the variance.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution file consists of 1 page
Deliverables: Word Document

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