Office Automation Inc., developed a proposal for introducing a new computerized office s

Question: Problem 24. Office Automation Inc., developed a proposal for introducing a new computerized office system that will improve word processing and interoffice communications for a particular company. Contained in the proposal is a list of activities that must be accomplished to complete the new office system project. Use the following relevant information about the activities.

Time (weeks) Cost ($1000s)
Activity Description Immediate predecessor Normal Crash Normal Crash
A Plan needs ------ 10 8 30 70
B Order equipment A 8 6 120 150
C Install equipment B 10 7 100 160
D Set up training lab A 7 6 40 50
E Conduct training course D 10 8 50 75
F Test system C,E 3 3 60 -----
Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution file consists of 2 pages
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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