Solution) Z-Pizza recently decided to raise its regular on the large pizza from $9.00 to $12.00 following the

Question: Demand for refrigerators is often described as cyclical, and very sensitive to refrigerator prices and interest rates. Given these characteristics, describe the effect of each of the following in terms of whether it would increase or decrease the quantity demand/supplied or the demand/supply for refrigerators. Moreover, when price is expressed as a function of a function of quantity, indicate whether the effect of each of the following is an upward or downward movement along a given curve or instead involves an upward shift in the relevant demand/supply for refrigerators. Please give you’re answers in writing and with use of relevant diagrams indicate what will happen to the price and the quantity of equilibrium sales under each circumstance.

A. An increase in interest rates.

B. A severe economic recession.

C. An increase in income of middle income Americans

D. Workers succeeding to form a labor union in many refrigerator plant round the country.

E. Increased competition among the domestic producers and the foreign imports following the approval of accepting China as a member of WTO.

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See Solution: The solution consists of 4 pages
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