Ken McSubstitute and Ron O’Complement were flying to a fast food festival in Fiji when an unexpected

Question: Ken McSubstitute and Ron O’Complement were flying to a fast food festival in Fiji when an unexpected storm forced their plane to ditch in the middle of the Pacific. Miraculously, they are washed up on a desert island. Ken finds that he has only 5 slightly wet hamburgers and 15 orders of fries in his pockets. Ron discovers he has 15 hamburgers and 5 orders of fries. Ken only cares about how much he gets to eat. His utility function is: Us(H,F) = H+F. On the other hand, Ron believes that it is uncivilized to eat hamburgers without french fries or french fries without hamburgers. His utility function is: Uc(H,F) = min(H,F).

a. In an Edgeworth box, show the endowment point, the Pareto Optimal Allocations, and the competitive equilibrium

b. Is the competitive equilibrium Pareto Optimal?

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Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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