Price Quantity Demanded I Quantity Supplied ($ per hamburger)


Price Quantity Demanded I Quantity Supplied
($ per hamburger) (Hamburgers per day)
0 500 0
1 450 50
2 400 100
3 350 150
4 300 200
5 250 250
6 200 300
7 150 350
8 100 400
9 50 450
10 0 500

Answer the following questions with respect to the table above

a) What is the minimum price that suppliers are willing to accept for the 150th hamburger?

b) What is the maximum price that consumers are willing to pay for the 150th hamburger?

c) What is the level of efficient quantity?

d) What is the Consumers surplus? What is the Producers surplus? Assume efficiency of markets.

e) At 150 hamburgers what is the deadweight loss?

Price: $2.99
See Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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