Suppose a monopolist produces a good in two plants, with quantity q1 produced in Plant 1 and q2 prod

Question: Suppose a monopolist produces a good in two plants, with quantity q1 produced in Plant 1 and q2 produced in Plant 2. The demand and cost functions function of the good is given by: P = a – b(q1 + q2), \({{C}_{1}}={{a}_{1}}{{q}_{1}}+{{b}_{1}}q_{1}^{2}\), \({{C}_{2}}={{a}_{2}}{{q}_{2}}+{{b}_{2}}q_{2}^{2}\)

a) Derive the FOC and SOC conditions of profit maximization for this firm. Show that SOC is satisfied (impose necessary conditions).

b) Suppose that there is a shift in demand (change in a). Show that output will increase in both plants as a result.

c) Which plant will have a greater increase in output? Please explain why.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 4 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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