If there has been a 10 percent increase in consumer income between two periods, what was the percent

Question: If there has been a 10 percent increase in consumer income between two periods, what was the percentage change in the demand for gasoline products? For flour? (Hint: use the income elasticity values in Table 3-4).

Commodity Income Elasticity
Wine (Canada) 2.59
Beef (US) 1.06
Cheese (UK) 0.37
Chicken (US) 0.28
Potatoes (UK) -0.32
Flour (US) -0.36
Commodity Income Elasticity
Electricity (household US) 1.94
European cars (US) 1.93
Asian cars (US) 1.65
Domestic cars (US) 1.63
Gasoline (US) 1.20
Cigarettes (US) 0.50
Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 1 page
Type of Deliverable: Word Document

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