Determine whether the following equations have a solution or not? Justify your answer. a) 5x^2+8x+

Question: Determine whether the following equations have a solution or not? Justify your answer.

a) \(5{{x}^{2}}+8x+7=0\)

b) \(\sqrt{7}{{y}^{2}}-6y-13\sqrt{7}=0\)

c) \(2{{x}^{2}}+x-1=0\)

d) \(\frac{4}{3}{{x}^{2}}-2x+\frac{3}{4}=0\)

e) \(2{{x}^{2}}+5x+5=0\)

f) \({{p}^{2}}-4p+4=0\)

g) \({{m}^{2}}+m+1=0\)

h) \(3{{z}^{2}}+z-1=0\)

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