A ball is thrown straight up in the air with an initial velocity of 64 feet per second (ft/sec). A

Question: 8 A ball is thrown straight up in the air with an initial velocity of 64 feet per second (ft/sec). According to the laws of physics, if you let y denote the velocity of the ball after x seconds, y=64 -32x.

a. Determine and for this linear equation.

b. Determine the velocity of the ball after 1, 2, 3, and 4 sec.

c. Graph the linear equation y=64 – 32x, using the four points obtained in part (b).

d. Use the graph from part (c) to estimate visually the velocity of the ball after 1.5 sec. Then calculate that velocity exactly by using the linear equation y=64 -32x.

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Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
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