Find the derivatives of (a) 4{{x}^{19/2}}+3{{x}^{-5/2}} (b) f(x)={{ cos }^4}({x^8}) (c) f(x)=&rad

Question: Find the derivatives of

(a) \(4{{x}^{19/2}}+3{{x}^{-5/2}}\)

(b) \(f\left( x \right)={{\cos }^{4}}\left( {{x}^{8}} \right)\)

(c) \(f\left( x \right)=\sqrt{\sin \sqrt{x}}\)

(d) \(f\left( x \right)=-6{{e}^{-10{{x}^{4}}}}\)

(e) \(f\left( x \right)=8{{e}^{x\sin x}}\)

(f) \(f\left( x \right)=\frac{x+\ln \left( {{x}^{2}}+1 \right)}{{{x}^{2}}+\sin x}\)

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Answer: The solution file consists of 2 pages
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