The Quadratic Equation Formula: The meaning of the term -b/2a
You have probably wondered many times what is the meaning of the quadratic formula. I mean, you probably know how to use the formula, this is, if you are presented with a problem involving some kind of quadratic equation, you know that the following formula needs to be used:
For example, if you are asked to solve the equation: , then you know it is a quadratic equation, and in this case, , and . So then we have to plug those values into the quadratic equation formula:
which means that the solutions are and .
But what is the meaning of the term -b/2a in the quadratic formula?? It is very useful to have the proper intuition about it.
The term -b/2a has a clear graphical interpretation, and it corresponds to the position of the symmetry axis that is defined by the graph of the quadratic formula. So then, simply, the term -b/2a is the "center" of the parabola defined by a quadratic equation.
You can see a video below with a good tutorial on how to use the quadratic equation in various different contexts.
Use this quadratic formula solver to show step-by-steps the calculation of the roots of quadratic equation.