Take Home Assignment Open File: padm5114-takehomedata-winter2008.sav Take a random sample: Click on "DATA",

Take Home Assignment

  1. Open File: padm5114-takehomedata-winter2008.sav
  2. Take a random sample:
  1. Click on "DATA", then "SELECT CASES"
  2. Click on "RANDOM SAMPLE", then "unselected cases are DELETED" and then finally "SAMPLE"
  3. On dialog box with "Approximately \(72 \%\) of All Cases", type in a number, based on the table, on next page

3. The dependent variable is the respondent's number of children (childs)

4. Transform the following variables for use as independent variables:

  1. recode the respondent's race variable (race) into a series of dummy variable(s) to capture three categories: white, black, other ; your reference group is determined by the table next page
  2. recode the respondent's religious preference (relig) to capture three categories: Catholic, Protestant, Other ; your reference group is determined hv the table on next page
  3. recode the respondent's marital status (marital) into a series of dummy variable(s) to capture three categories: currently married, never married, other ; your reference group is determined by the table next page
  4. recode the respondent's total family income variable (income) so that the value for each group is equal to the midpoint of the actual income interval in thousands of $. For example, recode 1 as .5, 2 as 2, 3 as 3.5, 4 as 4.5 etc. Use 120 for the highest category ($110,000 or over)
  5. recode the respondent's gender variable (sex) into a female dummy variable.

5. Run frequencies for all the variables which will be used in the regressions, and all variables which were the basis of subsequently transformed variables used in the regression.

6. Run the following regression:

children (childs) =f{number of brothers and sisters (sibs), age of respondent (age), how often the respondent attends religious services (attend), respondent's health condition (health), female dummy, recoded income, race dummies, religion dummies marital status\}

7. Summarize your expectations for the signs of the independent variables based on common sense theory. Test all appropriate hypotheses using \(\alpha=.10\).

8. Briefly discuss the empirical results. This summary should be limited to four typed pages. Attach frequencies and regression output as appendices.

Price: $16.24
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 10 pages, 624 words and 18 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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