Project Template Study Purpose In this section, you should identify the research question and the hypotheses

Project Template

Study Purpose

In this section, you should identify the research question and the hypotheses that are the focus of this study. Be sure to be straightforward and clear in your presentation of these items. No additional information/introduction is necessary.

Summary of Data

In this section, you must provide a narrative description of the data that corresponds to a table that summarizes the descriptive statistics for all variables (see Table 1).

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Study Variables

Characteristic n Mean Standard Deviation
Independent Variables
INSERT additional variables
Dependent Variables
INSERT additional variables

NOTE: Round to two decimal points for this table as well as all others.

Additionally, you must provide a narrative description of the scales you created (i.e., Scale one was created from the following items: …) and the reliability (i.e., Cronbach’s Alpha) for each of the scales you created (see Table 2).

Table 2 : Summary of Scale Reliability

Scale Cronbach’s Alpha
Perceived Neighborhood Safety
Access to Services
Strength of Community Institutions
Problems Facing the Community
Effectiveness of Response

Finally, you must present a correlation coefficient matrix for all interval variables (see Table 3).

Table 3: Summary of Bivariate Relationships between Study Variables

Variable (Var) Name Var Name Var Name Var Name
Var Name 1.00
Var Name Corr. Coef. 1.00
Var Name 1.00
Var Name 1.00

*Indicate significance with an asterisk: p<.05.

Research Questions

The research questions vary based on the dataset to which you are assigned. For all questions , you must (1) identify which test statistic is most appropriate; (2) present the results of this analysis in a table; and (3) interpret the results for each question. You may use the questions as subheadings within this section. Reference attached tables for examples.

Research Questions for Community 1 :

  1. Do perceptions of the community differ across race?
  2. Do perceptions of the community differ across age?
  3. Do perceptions of the community differ across race and age ?
  4. Is race related to perceived neighborhood safety controlling for all other factors?
    Research Questions for Community 2 :
  5. Do perceptions of the community differ across gender?
  6. Do perceptions of the community differ across age?
  7. Do perceptions of the community differ across gender and age ?
  8. Is gender related to perceived neighborhood safety controlling for all other factors?


In this section, you must summarize the results of the analyses you performed and develop conclusions about what the data tell us (i.e., what do these results mean in application to the real world, what are their implications, and what additional research should be completed).

Table #: T-Test Results for Hypothesis #

N Mean SD T-Value Effect Size

* p< .05 (In the table, indicate whether a t-value is significant by placing an * next to the value. You do not need to list the actual significance levels.)

INSERT narrative to explain results contained in the tables and to address whether you supported or refuted Hypothesis 3.

Table #: ANOVA Results for Hypothesis #

N Mean SD F-Value
INSERT Categories/Groups of Variable Compared
INSERT Categories/Groups of Variable Compared
INSERT Categories/Groups of Variable Compared
INSERT Categories/Groups of Variable Compared

* p< .05 (In the table, indicate whether the F-value is significant by placing an * next to the value. You do not need to list the actual significance levels.)

Table # : Bonerroni Test Comparisons —Significant Findings at p<.05 Only

Comparison Group Mean Difference

Table #: Factorial Analysis of Variance Results for Hypothesis #

Main Effect #1
Main Effect #2
Main Effect #3

* p< .05 (In the table, indicate whether the F-value is significant by placing an * next to the value. You do not need to list the actual significance levels.)

NOTE: Insert a plot of the interaction from SPSS into your project.

Table #: Results for OLS Regression

Variable B Standard Error Beta
Variable Name
Variable Name
Variable Name
Variable Name
Variable Name

* p< .05 (In the table, indicate whether a t-value is significant by placing an * next to the B . You do not need to list the actual significance levels.)

NOTE: Do not forget to present the R 2 in the narrative description of the results.

Price: $39.32
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 26 pages, 1332 words and 47 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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