Project 1 Form your group. You may work by yourself, with one partner, or with another person in a group.

Project 1

  1. Form your group. You may work by yourself, with one partner, or with another person in a group. Once you have form your group, let the Professor know.
  2. Find a data set on the internet, or using the data from the book, or collect your own. The data set you choose should have all four types of data represented: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio and should contain both discrete and continuous data. You should find data in Excel format (xls) or comma separated value (csv or txt) format. Once you have selected your data set, post a description of the data set and submit to Professor. Once a data set has been claimed, it cannot be used by another group.
  3. Write out a key for your data set, describing each field of the data both as to what it describes (this is normally available with the file you download) and what type of data each field is.
  4. Add a field to your data set based on either a nominal field or ordinal field. For instance if one field contains day of the week, you could add a field named Weekend which would contain 1 for Saturday or Sunday and 0 for any other day. If one field contained age, you could create a field named Minor which contained a 1 if the age was less than 18 and 0 if the age was 18 or greater. ( 0 normally means "NO’ and 1 means "YES" in math.
  5. Interpret what you see in the data from just looking at the data set. What are some questions you can think of about what is in the data set? Can you see any patterns or draw any conclusions from just looking at the raw data?
  6. Turn your work in, if you are working with a partner each person needs to turn in a copy.

Price: $9.42
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 4 pages, 542 words.
Deliverable: Word Document

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