(See Solution) A short descriptive title of your report. "Estimating - #80203



A short descriptive title of your report. "Estimating Quarterly Gross State Product" is a good title. However, "Term Project" is not since it doesn't tell the reader what your paper is about. This is not a labeled section. Your title should appear on the cover of your report.

Table of Contents:

This is a list of the sections of your report along with the number of the page on which they start. This provides the reader with a road map to your report.

Problem Statement:

A brief description of the problem you are presenting in this paper. This should also include a statement as to the reason why you chose this problem. Use nontechnical language for this part. One or two paragraphs is sufficient.


This is where you tell your reader the sources of your data and how you manipulated them before you performed your statistical analysis. You should also provide your reader with a summary of the procedures you used in your analysis and your reasons for choosing those procedures.


This is where you summarize the results of your analysis. Summary tables and graphs should be included here; detailed printouts should be included in an appendix to your report. For example, if your project involved selecting the explanatory variable most strongly correlated with a response variable, you should present the correlation coefficients between the response variable and each of the explanatory variables would be included here. However, the Excel output providing the correlation coefficients of all of the variables with each other would be included in an appendix.

You should also include a description of what the reader should be looking for in your results. Using the example from above, you could point out which variables have strong correlation with the response variable.


This section contains your interpretation of the results and ties them back to the original problem. (You should note that many readers will read this section immediately after they read the problem statement.) Use nontechnical language for this part of your report.


As an academic it is critical that you give credit to others when you base your work on work that they have done. This section is where you do that. You should use one of the standard citation formats indicated in Diana Hacker's A Writer's Reference (4th edition). Please note that in statistical and business writing the preferred format is the American Psychological Association citation format.

Price: $44.15
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 9 pages, and 592 words
Deliverable: Word Document and pdf

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