Results A Chi-Square test was conducted to assess the effect of the placement of emoticons on subject’s


A Chi-Square test was conducted to assess the effect of the placement of emoticons on subject’s responses. The analysis will be conducted for items Q4 through Q15, and for each of the items, the answer to the question (1 = "True", 2 = "Do not remember" or 3 = "False") will be considered as the dependent variable, whereas whether the subject took form Q2 or Q21 of the survey. Forms Q2 and Q21 had different emoticon placement.

Item Analysis


The Chi-Square statistic is \({{\chi }^{2}}=0.827\), p= .661 > .05 , which indicates that the null hypothesis is not rejected. Hence, there is not evidence that the answers to Q4 are affected by the emoticon placement.


Price: $34.39
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 23 pages, 1139 words and 23 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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