(Assignment 7, question 2) Hoaglin, Mosteller, and Tukey (1983) present data on blood levels of beta-endorphin

(Assignment 7, question 2)

Hoaglin, Mosteller, and Tukey (1983) present data on blood levels of beta-endorphin as a function of stress. They took the beta-endorphin levels for 19 patients 12 hours before surgery and again 10 minutes before surgery. The data is presented below.

(NOTE: Do all work by hand; show ALL work; follow with an SPSS run).

ID 12 hours 10 minutes

1 10.0 6.5

2 6.5 14.0

3 8.0 13.5

4 12.0 18.0

5 5.0 14.5

6 11.5 9.0

7 5.0 14.5

8 3.5 42.0

9 7.5 7.5

10 5.8 6.0

11 4.7 25.0

12 8.0 12.0

13 7.0 52.0

14 17.0 20.0

15 8.8 16.0

16 17.0 15.0

17 15.0 11.5

18 4.4 2.5

19 2.0 2.0

  1. Conduct the appropriate test to determine if increased stress has an effect on beta-endophin levels. (we assume that impending surgery induces stress) Use a = 0.01
  2. Construct the Confidence Interval.
  3. Compute the Effect Size.
  4. Interpret your analysis, providing supporting evidence where helpful.
Price: $7.1
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 4 pages, 310 words and 2 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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