Data was collected on fatigue experienced by patients undergoing treatment. Fatigue was measured using

Data was collected on fatigue experienced by patients undergoing treatment. Fatigue was measured using a questionnaire that measured fatigue in 4 domains General fatigue (G), Physical fatigue (P), Motivational fatigue (Mo) and Mental fatigue (Me). Fatigue was measured at the start of treatment (labelled 1) and again at the end of treatment (labelled 2).

Variables collected included:-

Vit Vitamin supplement during treatment 1=Yes, 2 =No

Daily Whether treatment was daily or alternate days 1=Alt days, 2 =Daily

Age Age

BMI Body mass index

1=underweight, 2=Normal, 3=Overweight, 4= Morbidly obese

Ethnic Ethnic origin

Sleep Sleep quality

Scale of 0 (poor) -100 (excellent)

Transport Type of transport used to attend treatment

1= Walk, 2=Bus, 3= Cart, 4= Hospital transport

Travel_t Time taken to get to the department

Chemo 1 = Had chemotherapy pre radiotherapy

2 = No pre radiotherapy chemotherapy

Two questions must be answered:-

  • What factors, if any affect the change in fatigue levels during radiotherapy?
  • What factors, if any are best at predicting who will have most fatigue at the end of radiotherapy?
You must carry out appropriate tests and should include at least one test for differences and one correlation/regression analysis. You must incorporate an explanation of the formula produced in the regression analysis.
Your results should then be written up as you would for publication according to the guidelines used in the Journal of Radiography.
You must then submit the results section accompanied by an annotated copy of you analyses.
Price: $22.24
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 14 pages, 824 words and 19 charts.
Deliverable: Word Document

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