Mean and Standard Deviation for the Binomial Distribution

Instructions: Compute the Mean and Standard Deviation for the Binomial distribution. Please type the population proportion of success p, and the sample size n:

Population proportion (p) =
Sample Size (n) =

Mean and Standard Deviation for the Binomial Distribution

The binomial probability is a discrete probability distribution, with appears frequently in applications, that can take integer values on a range of \([0, n]\), for a sample size of \(n\). The population mean is computed as:

\[ \mu = n \cdot p\]

Also, the population variance is computed as:

\[\sigma^2 = n\cdot p \cdot (1-p) \]

and the population standard deviation is

\[\sigma = \sqrt{ n\cdot p \cdot (1-p)} \]

If you what you need to do is to actually computer probabilities, check our binomial distribution curve calculator .

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