The Life Changing Decision Of College Education in the World

Higher education has always been and continues to be an important aspect in every student's career, and the benefits which a good college education provides would suffice the efforts needed in order to obtain the degree. It's often signified that higher education in the UK offers a potentially better teaching experience and facilities in terms of the overall standard of study which a potential student could enjoy.

Although it's known that more than 88% of international graduates are satisfied after obtaining their degree in the UK, 93% of postgraduate students have also rated college education in the UK as one of the best in a survey which was carried out by the HE Academy. However its essential to understand that before making a decision when choosing degrees in college, one should critically evaluate the benefits, fees, facilities and educational standard of the university in order to determine whether they could not only get the best educational experience but also obtain a world renowned certification after the completion of their degree program.


Universities in the UK are renowned for their large libraries, laboratories, sports centers and even art studios and theaters! They also restrict the size of the average class in order to ensure that their students are provided with direct access to all equipment which are necessary in order to facilitate their educational program. As all degrees in college offered by UK universities are well recognized by prospective employers and academics worldwide, one doesn't have to consider about credibility when considering a British university for their higher education.

College Education

A survey which was conducted by the BIS in the UK has found that degrees awarded in the UK has an added benefit when included in a CV or resume as compared to degrees awarded in other parts of the world. As more employers are interested in recruiting individuals who have had experience in a multicultural and multilingual environment, UK universities also offer the benefit wherein one has the ability to study and meet people from different parts of the world

Choosing a college degree

There are several factors which need to be taken into consideration when choosing a type of university degree. A few of these factors include but are not restricted to,

  • Goal oriented - As any individual in the work place has an objective which they aim to achieve in their career, its important that the college degree should be chosen based on the area of expertise which the particular individual intends study

  • Eligibility - Most advanced college degrees do not admit students to the program unless they have met the minimum criteria in order to be considered into the program. The MSN program for instance doesn't admit students who do not have a practical nursing degree as its essential for each candidate to be accustomed with a minimum educational background prior to being registered to the program

  • Financial plan - As the value of education is difficult to be calculated in figures, its essential for the prospective candidate to have a general plan about their higher studies and the potential income which they could earn after obtaining their degree. This would not only increase their motivation to study more tirelessly for the program, but it would also make the students well prepared to enter the challenging and liberating work force in future

Types of college degrees

Although this is also a factor which influences the decision which a prospective student should consider when choosing a college degree, it's also important to understand that as there are several different types of college degrees available in various universities, one should critically evaluate the scope of each degree program and portray their future career plan accordingly. Some of the main types of college degrees available in the UK include:

1. High School Diploma - This is the most basic level of college degrees which every student has to have in order to be eligible to enter almost any post-secondary program in university. As almost every online and on-ground campus offers highly affordable GED programs and since its well recognized by several individuals from different parts of the world there is literally no reason to skip this preliminary diploma program.

2. Certifications - These are generally short term programs ranging from a few months to about a year and cover a range of topics which a potential candidate could choose from. Certifications are also beneficial in order to provide a boost when considering a job in an area of expertise, as a certification would depict that the individual is more keen in his study.

3. Undergraduate programs - This is the most common type of college degree which one could consider and its duration varies from two to three years and is generally awarded in community colleges and distance learning programs.

4. Bachelor of Science/Arts Degrees - Most students pursue their college education to this level by either obtaining a BA or BS degree in their area of expertise such as computing, management, technology, bio medical science, art etc. Generally these programs take around 4 years to completion and as they are offered in over hundred different niches its is most certainly a preferred choice for literally any potential student to consider when choosing a higher education program.

5. Master of Science/Arts - This is the second stage which a student who has already completed his/her Bachelors degree could consider and is typically a 2 year program which could either be done in a full time or part time study basis.

6. PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) - This is one of the highest levels of college degrees which an individual could undertake and is more widespread among professors and scientists. The duration and cost of this program varies depending on the area of expertise and typically ranges between 5-10 years for completion. Students who graduate from this program are awarded with a PhD, also known as doctoral candidates, in their field of study.


To sum up, it could be said that as a college degree is the stepping stone to one's career the decision in choosing the right degree program and the potential benefits which could be accrued through the program should be carefully evaluated prior to making the decision on a particular area of expertise.

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