It has been established that bookshops represent, on average, 5.5% of all retail units in 1,000 shop

Question: It has been established that bookshops represent, on average, 5.5% of all retail units in 1,000 shopping centres in the UK. A more detailed analysis has been undertaken of 100 of the centres which have been classified as either ‘tourist’, ‘market’ or ‘industrial’. In each of the centres the percentage of bookshop units was noted on the following criteria:

High % of bookshops - over 7%

Average % of bookshops - 4 – 7%

Low percentage of bookshops - less than 4%

11 of the tourist centres were high, 8 were average and 6 were low

10 of market centres were high, 16 were average and 9 were low

9 of industrial centres were high, 16 were average and 15 were low

Do these figures indicate that the type of centre influences the proportion of units given over to bookshops?

(4 marks)

Price: $2.99
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