A political science professor is interested in finding out whether there is a relation between polit

Question: A political science professor is interested in finding out whether there is a relation between political affiliation and attitude towards a recent Supreme Court ruling about challenges to federal affirmative-action programs. He samples a group of registered voters at random and organizes the data collated in the contingency table provided below. According to the information, what can be concluded about the relationship he is interested in studying? Use the 8-step hypothesis testing procedure below and include a computer printout of your analysis.


Voter Attitudes

Political Affiliation Approve Do Not Approve Not Sure TOTAL
Democrats 10 15 5 30
Republicans 15 15 10 40
Independents 6 4 5 45
TOTAL 31 34 20 85

a) 1 State the research question.

b) 2 Write the null hypothesis.

c) 3 Write the alternative hypothesis.

d) 4 Select the test to be used.

e) 5 Find the critical value.

f) 6 Compute the test statistic using PHStat.

g) 7 Make a decision to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

h) 8 Write the conclusion

Price: $2.99
Answer: The answer consists of 3 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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