Solution) At a week-long family reunion one year you notice that all the men in the family sit down and eat br
Question: At a week-long family reunion one year you notice that all the men in the family sit down and eat breakfast every day while the women in the family often skip breakfast preferring to have just a cup of coffee or tea. You wonder whether this is something about your family or whether this is a gender difference that tends to hold for larger populations. To test your hypothesis, you poll 200 people and ask whether they eat breakfast. Each individual gives one of three answers: YES, NO or SOMETIMES. The following is the data you obtained:
MALE 90 30 10
FEMALE 40 20 10
Analyze the data and report your results.
Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document
Deliverables: Word Document