Express Appliance Repair (EAR) has nine repairpersons for the Phoenix metropolitan area. The operati

Question: Express Appliance Repair (EAR) has nine repairpersons for the Phoenix metropolitan area. The operation manager of EAR believed that the number of repairpersons used each hour is binomially distributed with p=0.35, where p is the probability that a repairperson is sent out to provide service on any given hour. Two hundred hours of operation revealed the following results:

Number of Repairpersons Sent Out for Service Hours with the Number of Repairpersons Sent Out for Service
0 6
1 23
2 38
3 60
4 36
5 25
6 9
Over 6 3
Total 200

a. Is there any statistically significant evidence that the number of repairpersons used each hour is binomially distributed with p=0.35 (manual solution)? Assume the level of significance is 0.10. You can use Excel to find the probabilities for your distribution.

b. What is your best estimate for the p- value from your table?

c. Using Excel, what is your p- value?

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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