A situation in my own personal life is doing payroll for an Injection Molding Company. I will be doi

Question: A situation in my own personal life is doing payroll for an Injection Molding Company. I will be doing a Chi-square (one way example) between male and female employee’s attendance during a one month period, 160 hour required week period.

Employees Hours for month of April
Males Females Total
Observed 154 132 286
Expected 160 160 320
Total 314 292 606

Calculate expected numbers for each individual cell. Do this be multiplying row sum by column sum and dividing by total number.

1st cell (Male attendance) -- 286 x 314 divide by 606 =148.19

2nd cell (female attendance)—286 x 292 divide by 606 = 137.80

Sum of (Observed - Expected) 2 Divide by Expected

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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