Advertisers need to know which age groups are likely to see their ads. Purchasers of 120 copies of
Question: 6 Advertisers need to know which age groups are likely to see their ads. Purchasers of 120 copies of Cosmopolitan are shown by age group.
(a) Make a bar chart and describe it.
(b) Calculate expected frequencies for each class.
(c) Perform the chi-square test for a uniform distribution. At α = .01, does this sample contradict the assumption that readership is uniformly distributed among these six age groups? (See J. Paul Peter and Jerry C.
Olson, Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy, 9th ed.
[McGraw-Hill, 2004], p. 300.) Cosmo
Purchaser Age Units Sold
18–24 38
25–34 28
35–44 19
45–54 16
55–64 10
65+ 9
Total 120
Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document
Deliverables: Word Document