Poll shows that 74% of respondents felt other motorists were driving more aggressively than they did

Question: Poll shows that 74% of respondents felt other motorists were driving more aggressively than they did five years ago, 23% felt that other motorists were driving the same way they did 5 years ago, and 3% felt other motorists were driving less aggressively than they were driving 5 years ago. A sample survey of 180 senior drivers found that 125 felt that other motorists were driving more aggressively than they did 5 years ago, 36 felt that other motorists were driving about the same as they did 5 years ago, and 19 felt that other motorists were driving less aggressively than they did 5 years ago. At a significance level of .10 test the claim that senior drivers feel the same way as those who surveyed in the poll. State hypotheses and identify claim, find critical values, compute test value, make decision, summarize results.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 1 page
Deliverables: Word Document

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