Coronary heart disease (CHD) begins in young adulthood and is the fifth leading cause of death among

Question: Coronary heart disease (CHD) begins in young adulthood and is the fifth leading cause of death among adults aged 20 to 24 years. Studies of serum cholesterol levels among college students, however, are very limited. A 1999 study looked at a very large sample of students from a large northeastern university and reported that the mean serum cholesterol level among women is 168 mg/dl with a standard deviation of 27mg/dl. A more recent study at a southern university investigated the lipid levels in a cohort of sedentary university students. The mean cholesterol level among n=71 females was 173.7. Is there evidence that the mean cholesterol level among sedentary students differs from this average for all students. (Use a 5% level of significance).

a) State the null and alternate hypothesis.

b) What is the rejection region for the test?

c) Compute the test statistic.

d) What is your conclusion? Explain.

e) Compute the p-value for the test.

f) State your conclusion if the level of significance is changed to 10%.

g) Explain the type of error (Type I or Type II) that may have occurred here.

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