[12 points] Dyslexia is usually defined as a deficit of literacy achievement of at least 1.5 standar

Question: [12 points] Dyslexia is usually defined as a deficit of literacy achievement of at least 1.5 standard deviations from average. Using your literacy skill variable created in part 1, above, create a categorical variable that can be used to classify each participant in the data set as either a dyslexic or control.

a. How many children are classified as dyslexic using this technique? [3 pts]

b. Is there an association between gender and dyslexia? [3 pts]

c. Using the BAS Digit span (BASDS) measure of short term memory, evaluate whether the children with and without dyslexia differ on this measure. [3 pts]

d. Evaluate the effects of dyslexia and gender, accounting for the effects of age on BASDS. [3 pts]

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Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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