A student team examined parked cars in four different suburban shopping malls. One hundred vehicles
Question: A student team examined parked cars in four different suburban shopping malls. One hundred vehicles were examined in each location. Research question: At α = . 05, does vehicle type vary by mall location? (Data are from a project by MBA students Steve Bennett, Alicia Morais, Steve Olson, and Greg Corda.)
Vehicle Type Somerset Oakland Great Lakes Jamestown Row Total
44 49 36 64 193
21 15 18 13 67
Full-sized Van
2 3 3 2 10SUV
19 27 26 12 84
14 6 17 9 46 Col Total 100 100 100 100 400
Price: $2.99
See Answer: The solution consists of 6 pages
Deliverables: Word Document
Deliverables: Word Document