Chief Whatacop is concerned that the number of young drivers getting violation points on their drivi

Question: Chief Whatacop is concerned that the number of young drivers getting violation points on their driving record has been increasing. He wants to find out if there is evidence betweens the driver’s age and the number of points that they receive. He has collected information for the past year on the age and the number of points that each traffic violator received. This information is as follows.

Age of Violator 0 Points 1 to 3 Points 4 to 6 Points 7 to 9 Points 10 to 12 Points
Under 25 55 97 101 91 51
25 to 40 67 75 72 70 50
40 to 55 40 50 32 33 30
Over 55 62 80 50 50 45

Using the .05 level of significance, first develop your null and research hypothesis, do the calculation and then decide if there is a relationship between the driver’s age and the number of points that they receive for bad driving.

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 6 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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