Answer the questions below using the following Forbes data set. Forbes 500 Random Subsample ($, mill

Question: Answer the questions below using the following Forbes data set.

Forbes 500 Random Subsample ($, millions)

Assets Sales Market Net Cash Number of (thousands)

Value Profit Flow

1,034.00 1,510.00 697.00 82.60 126.50 16.60

956.00 785.00 1,271.00 89.00 191.20 5.00

1,890.00 2,533.00 1,783.00 176.00 267.00 44.00

1,133.00 532.00 752.00 82.30 137.10 2.10

11,682.00 3,790.00 4,149.00 413.50 806.80 11.90

6,080.00 635.00 291.00 18.10 35.20 3.70

31,044.00 3,296.00 2,705.00 337.30 425.50 20.10

5,878.00 3,204.00 2,100.00 145.80 380.00 10.80

1,721.00 981.00 1,573.00 172.60 326.60 1.90

2,135.00 2,268.00 2,634.00 247.20 55.50 21.20

??Conduct a correlation matrix using the Forbes 500 dataset. Determine which variables have a significant relationship.

??Select an independent and dependent variables and run a regression analysis. What can you conclude from the findings?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 3 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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