To examine the relationship between the size (in square feet) of a store and its annual sales (in th

Question: To examine the relationship between the size (in square feet) of a store and its annual sales (in thousands of Dollars), a sample of 14 stores was selected. The results for the 14

stores are summarized in the table below.

Store Size (x) Sales (y)
1 1,726 3,681
2 1,642 3,895
3 2,816 6,653
4 5,555 9,543
5 1,292 3,418
6 2,208 5,563
7 1,313 3,660
8 1,102 2,694
9 3,151 5,468
10 1,516 2,898
11 5,161 10,674
12 4,567 7,585
13 5,841 11,760
14 3,008 4,085

a. Draw a scatter diagram of the data. Does a simple linear regression model seem appropriate here?

b. Fit the least squares line to the data to write the simple linear regression equation.

c. Plot the least squares line as a check on your calculations.

d. Interpret the meaning of the slope.

e. Interpret the meaning of the intercept. Does it have a practical meaning here?

f. Evaluate the assumptions (check on ? is i.i.d. N(0,?2)).

g. What are the values of SSE and s2? What does “s” mean?

h. What is the 95% Confidence Interval for the slope?

i. What is the value of “Coefficient of Determination”, what does it measure?

Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 9 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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