Solution) Laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the effect of a particular additive on the strength
Question: Laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the effect of a particular additive on the strength of a concrete mix. The results are in Data sheet, where Cl contains the concentration of additive by volume) and C2 contains the corresponding strength (in Nmm-2).
(a) Plot the strength against the concentration of additive.
(b) Calculate the correlation coefficient r, and interpret this value.
(c) Fit a regression model of the form \(y=\alpha +\beta x+\gamma {{x}^{2}}+\varepsilon \), where y represents strength and x the concentration of additive. Is the coefficient of \({{x}^{2}}\) significant at the 5% level?
(d) Use your results in part (c) to select either a linear or quadratic prediction equation. Plot your fitted line or curve superimposed on the data points.
(e) Determine the R2 coefficient for your fitted line or curve and interpret this value.
(0 Calculate a 95% confidence interval for \(\mu \) (0.75), the mean strength at a concentration of 0.75%.
(g) Use residual plots to check any assumptions that you have made in your tests and confidence intervals.
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