Solution) Assuming the IQ of football players are symmetrically distributed with a μ = 100 and a σ

Question: Assuming the IQ of football players are symmetrically distributed with a \(\mu \) = \(100\) and a \(\sigma \) = 10, what percent of the players would have IQ’s

a. Greater than 120?

b. Between 90 and 100?

c. Between 95 and 105?

d. Not more than 100?

e. Less than or equal to 75?

f. The Cleveland Browns have decided they do not want players with IQ’s that fall in the bottom 20%. Therefore, what would the minimum IQ of a Brownie be?

g. On the other hand the Dallas Cowboys don’t want players with too low or too high IQ’s. They have restricted their draft choices to players that are in the middle 80% of IQ’s. Therefore, would the “Boys” draft Ima Runningback those IQ is 90? How about defensive lineman, Soft Underbelly whose IQ is 120?

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Solution: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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