Researchers wanted to examine the impact of nutrition on cholesterol levels of 5 year olds. Parents

Question: Researchers wanted to examine the impact of nutrition on cholesterol levels of 5 year olds. Parents were asked to survey what their 5-year olds consume during an average week. Parents were trained in how to count energy intake, carbohydrate intake, saturated fat intake and total fat intake. The results are in the Excel file final data set.

a. Using the steps in hypothesis testing, assess the impact of saturated fat has on cholesterol. (Be sure to test the assumptions). (10 points)

b. What can you conclude and why? (5 points)

c. Extra Credit: Examine the impact of energy, carbohydrate, saturated fat and total fat on cholesterol levels. (Be sure to include each step in hypothesis testing and testing of the assumptions). In your response include which variables contribute to cholesterol levels. (5 points)

d. Extra credit: What can you conclude? (5 points)

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution file consists of 6 pages
Deliverable: Word Document

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