The following are fictional data of a study concerned with the recall of words as a function of leve

Question: The following are fictional data of a study concerned with the recall of words as a

function of level of processing (LOP). LOP theory states that memory depends on the “quality” of processing that you apply to the material as you are studying it. Lower LOP, such as repeating the word to yourself without thinking about it, would not lead to as accurate recall as higher LOP, such as trying to form an association between that word and some other word. Also, LOP theory states that incidental learning (not knowing you will be given a later memory test) is just as effective as intentional learning, provided that LOP is high. To investigate how LOP affects memory, the researcher randomly assigned 50 participants to one of five groups – four incidental learning groups and one intentional learning group. The four incidental learning groups in order of presumed level of processing (lowest to highest) were:

A. Counting – instructed to count the number of letters in each word

B. Rhyming - instructed to read each word and think of a word that rhymed with it

C. Adjective - instructed to come up with an adjective that could reasonably be used to modify each word

D. Imagery - instructed to form vivid images of each word

The Intentional group was told to try to memorize the list for later recall. In addition to determining if there was an overall effect of instructions on recall, the researchers were particularly interested in testing two hypotheses: (1) that the Intentional group would have better recall than the incidental groups, and that (2) the Counting and Rhyming subjects would have poorer memory than Adjective and Imagery subjects because the latter groups had to focus on the deep meaning of the words.

After all participants went through a list of 30 words, they were asked to write down all the words they could remember. The number of words correctly recalled is shown below. Use SPSS to analyze the data.

Counting Rhyming Adjective Imagery Intentional

9 17 11 12 20

8 19 13 21 19

6 16 8 26 14

8 16 6 11 15

10 16 14 9 20

18 11 11 23 11

6 6 13 22 14

5 13 13 10 15

7 8 10 19 21

2 17 11 21 11


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