Solution) Twenty years ago, researchers conducted a fascinating study on how students perform on a reading com

Question: Twenty years ago, researchers conducted a fascinating study on how students perform

on a reading comprehension test when they are not allowed to read the material they were being tested on. Their idea was that intelligent, test-wise students would be able to utilize their test-taking skills, such as eliminating unlikely alternatives, to do better on a comprehension test than less skilled students. As a measure of test-taking skills, participants were given the Psychitout Test a week before they were given the “comprehension” test.

The data from 24 participants are presented below. The column headed “No-Read Score” refers to the score on a reading comprehension test when a person is not allowed to read the material. The test-taking skill score (“Psychitout Score”) is in the other column. Analyze the relationship between the two variables in order to determine if the Psychitout Test is a good predictor of reading comprehension scores. Use SPSS to analyze the data.

No-Read No-Read

Score Psychitout Score Score Psychitout Score

48 13 41 12

34 10 43 15

38 6 53 16

41 11 60 19

55 20 44 10

43 16 49 14

47 16 33 8

47 15 40 13

46 10 53 17

39 9 47 11

50 18 53 15

46 12 53 19


Price: $2.99
Solution: The solution consists of 2 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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