Refer to problem #8. Construct the 90%, 95%, and 99% confidence intervals for {{μ }_{1}}-{{μ }

Question: A professor asked her sophomore students, “How many drinks do you typically have per session? (a drink is defined as one 12 ounce beer, one 4 ounce glass of wine, or one one-ounce shot of liquor.)” Some of the students did not drink. The chart given below gives the responses of the female and male students who did drink. The sample is all students in one sophomore-level class. (Decide whether the z-test or the t-test applies using the flowchart on Page 417 in our textbook). Assume both populations are normal. Test the claim that sophomore females have a different number of drinks than sophomore males. Use all three levels of significance \[\alpha =0.10,\alpha =0.05,\alpha =0.01\]. Report the p-value of the test.

Female students Male students
\[\overline{{{x}_{1}}}=4.14\]drinks \[\overline{{{x}_{2}}}=6.43\]drinks
\[{{s}_{1}}=2.3765\]drinks \[{{s}_{1}}=3.4805\]drinks
\[{{n}_{1}}=53\] \[{{n}_{2}}=60\]
population mean m1 population mean m2
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Answer: The solution file consists of 2 pages
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