You are a correctional researcher and you are interested in whether individuals who are motivated to

Question: You are a correctional researcher and you are interested in whether individuals who are motivated to change their behavior will have fewer rearrests than individuals who are not motivated to change their behavior. You assess offenders’ levels of motivation to change by administering them a 50 question survey and then summing up the responses to the 50 questions. Each offender receives a score (ranging from 0 to 50) that indicates their motivation to change. Using a regression analysis, you find that the slope coefficient between motivation to change and number of new offenses is .293, with a t-coefficient of 2.783. If you have 52 offenders in your study, is there a significant relationship between motivation to change and number of rearrests at the .05 level of significance?

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Solution: The solution file consists of 1 page
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