In 2001 a report in the Journal of the American Cancer Institute indicated that women who work night
Question: In 2001 a report in the Journal of the American Cancer Institute indicated that women who work nights have a 60% greater risk of developing breast cancer. Researchers based these findings on the work histories of 763 women with breast cancer and 741 women without the disease.
For questions 14 and 18, read the brief report of statistical research
and identify:
a) whether it was an observational study or an experiment;
If it was an observational study, identify, if possible
b) whether it was retrospective or prospective
c) the subjects studied and how they were selected
d) the parameter of interest
e) the nature and scope of the conclusion the study can reach
If it was an experiment, identify (if possible)
b) the subjects studied
c) the factor(s) in the experiment and the number of levels for each
d) the number of treatments
e) the response variable
f) the design (completely randomized, blocked, or matched)
g) whether it was blnd (or double-blind)
h) the nature and scope of the conclusion the experiment can reach
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