Assume that you have collected data on the number of applicants for a college and the fall enrollmen

Question: Assume that you have collected data on the number of applicants for a college and the fall enrollment of the college. The admissions director believes that he can predict how many folks will register in the fall by looking at how many applied. Use SPSS to determine if there is such a relationship? If so, how strong is the relationship? Can you provide the director with a formula that he can use to make predictions? Assume that 1410 apply in 1999. How many do you predict will enroll in the fall?

Year Applications Enrollment

91 1230 640

92 1500 809

93 1370 713

94 2000 888

95 1735 835

96 1500 770

97 1300 685

98 1100 570

99 1410 ???

Price: $2.99
Solution: The answer consists of 3 pages
Solution Format: Word Document

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