Gestation Period versus Life Expectancy - A researcher wants to know if the gestation period of an a

Question: Gestation Period versus Life Expectancy – A researcher wants to know if the gestation period of an animal can be used to predict life expectancy. She collects the following data:

Animal Gestation for Incubation period (days) Life Expectancy (years)
Cat 63 11
Chicken 22 7.5
Dog 63 11
Duck 28 10
Goat 151 12
Lion 108 10
Parakeet 18 8
Pig 115 10
Rabbit 31 7
Squirrel 44 9

a. Suppose the researcher wants to use the gestation period of an animal to predict life expectancy. Determine which variable is the explanatory variable and which is the response variable.

c. Compute the linear correlation coefficient between gestation period and life expectancy.

d. Comment on the type of relation that appears to exist between gestation period and life expectancy based on the scatter diagram and linear correlation coefficient.

Price: $2.99
Answer: The solution consists of 3 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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