People with agoraphobia feel such a high level of anxiety about being in public places that they sel

Question: People with agoraphobia feel such a high level of anxiety about being in public places that they seldom leave their homes. Knowing this is a difficult disorder to treat, a researcher tries a long-term treatment. A sample of individuals report how often they have ventured out of the house in the past month. Then they receive relaxation training and are introduced to trips away from the house at gradually increasing durations. After 2 months of treatment, participants report the number of trips out of the house they made in the last 30 days. The data are as follows:

Participant Before Treatment After Treatment

A 0 4

B 0 0

C 3 14

D 3 23

E 2 9

F 0 8

G 0 6

Does the treatment have a significant effect on the number of trips a person takes? Test with a = .05, two tails.

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