In a study by WebCriteria, it took an average of 2.1 minutes to locate information and buy products

Question: In a study by WebCriteria, it took an average of 2.1 minutes to locate information and buy products on the Delta Airlines website, compared to an average of 2.7 minutes on the British Airways site. Assume that the data below contains the times (in minutes) required during visits to the two websites. In a suitable one-tail test at the 0.01 level, was the mean time for the Delta visits significantly less than that for the British Airway visits? Identify and interpret the p-value for the test.

Delta British
2.12 2.44
1.40 2.51
2.03 2.48
2.00 2.88
2.34 2.60
1.63 2.38
1.96 2.77
3.36 2.96
1.69 2.82
2.01 2.45
1.86 3.29
2.08 3.05
2.61 2.03
1.62 3.18
1.67 2.65
2.17 2.94
2.69 3.31
2.34 2.93
2.25 1.79
1.89 2.54
1.96 2.70
Price: $2.99
Solution: The downloadable solution consists of 4 pages
Deliverables: Word Document

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